Monthly Archives: May 2011

7 Quick Takes Friday: #6/2011

  1. Long time since a post. We moved to North Carolina. I got into a new schedule and just really haven’t felt up to posting, because I honestly didn’t and still don’t know where to start. After some thinking and pondering over a phone conversation over a week (or two) ago, I am now ready to get back in the groove–OR–at least do this weekly post.
  2. The “Y”. Wow.  Since we moved here I have joined the YMCA. This is where Afton attends preschool and since I was dropping him off everyday I figured I could go in and walk or do something, and leave Myer in the Child Watch there.  So, because I was going to the “Y” I started the Couch to 5K again.
  3. Couch to 5K. I am technically on the last day of week 6.  Ready to run for 25 minutes straight.  I’ve been taking a little more time in between runs for my body to recuperate.  I do feel like I have more endurance and I can run for a longer period of time without stopping now.  I’m going to pick a 5k in the area and work toward running my first race this summer.
  4. The kids have adjusted well.  We live across the back field of the elementary school and Mastewal has been able to walk with friends to and from school. She has also made friends with neighbors, who are also in her class and even had sleepovers.  Mastewal actually went to her first school dance tonight, I know she had a great time. Afton loves his preschool as well.  The teacher stated that “it’s like he’s been here all along”.
  5. The Beach. We live less than two hours from Myrtle Beach. We’ve been twice since we moved here. I think I am going to like that perk 🙂
  6. Myer has been participating in speech therapy here as well. We’ve actually been doing two sessions a week.  He really enjoys his time with his therapist and seems to be vocalizing a lot more.
  7. Last but not least I’m headed to Ethiopia NEXT WEEK, I will be visiting with CFI Drop In Center and visiting the school. I will also be visiting Grace for Ethiopia and last but not least I will get to visit with the family and our child that we sponsored through Childrens Hopechest/Hope for His Children.